Weninger's re-introduction of Furmint grapes back into Austrian vineyards is a lightweight and delicate expression. White flowers, key lime, and a light salinity on the palate make this a very fresh tasting White wine.
From a new and young Austrian winemaker who just took over his family's buisness in Engabrunn, Kamptal. Heat from the east gives plenty of sun to ripen, and night time coolness from the northwest helps the wine maintain its acidity. Kamptals diverse soils include loess, gravel, crystalline intrusions and red sandstone rich in feldspars, as well as conglomerate. These types of rock form the basis of a colourful geological patchwork, bearing testimony to the former existence of seas and volcanoes, the displacement of rivers in primeval times, and the rock dust that was blown in during the ice ages. It comes, therefore, as little surprise that the wines from the Kamptal – influenced by differences in aspect, elevation, and soils – exhibit very distinctive, individual characteristics.
Reisling with skin contact, that retains its varietal character? Yes! Made by good man Christoph Heiss, who's a big proponent of natural farming and biodiversity. Clementines and stone fruit on the palate, with a touch of salinity.
Two-week skin contact Sauvignon Blanc blended with Welschriesling that doesn't see any skin, keeping the orange wine traits slightly tamed. Delicious and so well structured.
The Muster family's Chardonnay, Morillon in local dialect, from clay soils at high elevation. This wine is rich and mineral with a long elevage in old oak barrels before release.
"Ex Vero I" is the lower selection of the vineyard which ripens earlier. Unique Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay with age in old oak barrels before release.